The Northwind Wiki needs YOU.
The Northwind Wiki needs YOUR help and YOUR contributions to help provide the Northwind public and its community with updated, accurate information. Objectivity, accuracy, and reliability are the core tenants of our Wiki's operation— but we cannot succeed without your support.
To contribute, you must be 13 years old (16 years old in the EEA) and have a FANDOM Wiki account that is older than five (5) days.
It is highly recommended for contributors to join the Northwind Wiki Discord for expedient communication, and to receive answers regarding questions about any policies, rules, guidelines, or the Wiki.
For further information on contributing, see the Wiki's Manual of Style.
When contributing to the Wiki, contributors should strive to be:
- Consistent: Contributors should not deviate from the following guidelines.
- Grammatically correct: Contributors should make every effort to conform to American English grammatical standards, and if not, regular grammatical standards in general.
- Unbiased: Contributors should not exaggerate or make statements regarding the appearance, behavior, nature, etc. of an article subject to prevent misconstruing the information of an article.
- Accurate: Contributors should make every effort to ensure that the information they have provided, whether complete or not, is accurate and can be readily proven ingame.
Creating Articles
Do not:
- Make/edit pages based on information obtained through illegitimate means (exploiting/hacking for leaked information, etc).
- Make/edit pages for trading or advertisement purposes, including for factions, Roblox groups, or Discords. The Northwind Discord server has appropriate channels for this.
- Add/edit trivia sections for pages with unconfirmed information, or information that cannot be readily confirmed or proved.
- Repeat information that has already been stated prior on the page, unless that information serves a relevant purpose in the current section of text.
- Include obvious facts that can be drawn from the visible or physical nature of the subject of the page.
- Write filler text if information is not available ("Unknown", "N/A", etc).
- Organize all content into logical paragraphs and sections.
- Use American English grammatical standards for grammar and spelling.
- Use an Oxford comma in completing lists (one, two, three).
- Ensure that proper grammar, including proper spelling and punctuation, is used. Contributors who exhibit poor grammar can be prohibited from making edits for a week if consistent and unable to correct their errors.
- Use capital letters only on the beginning word of a page title, and use lowercase letters on any further words in the title. Exceptions apply if the article title is the name of a person or location.
- Add a <ref>citation</ref> asking for information if it is not available (<ref>Statistic: Source needed</ref>).
Before submitting a new article, make sure that your contribution is:
- Factual: All content on this Wiki should be factual, accurate, and readily confirmable. Do not add theories, opinions, and subjective statements. This does not apply to speculation or logic that can be drawn from accurate or historical sources.
- Verifiable: Most, if not all content on this Wiki should be readily verifiable by the reader, whether by playing Northwind or by looking on the Northwind Discord.
- Relevant: Articles must ontain inforation closely related to the article subject, without digressing or going on tangents.
- Objective: Articles should be written in a neutral and unbiased tone, giving no interest, preference, or bias and giving no importance to topics, issues, or subjects that are relevant to the article. Avoid the use of first (I/we) and second person (you/your) when writing articles to avoid subjectifying the page.
- Formal: Article text should not include the use of slang or casual or conversational undertones.
- Concise: Language must be clear and unambiguous, and must convey the information in a way that allows the reader to sufficiently understand the most relevant information in a short amount of time.
- Unique: Information on a page should not be repeated. That is, if information on a page has already been stated, such as in an infobox or as shown in an image, that information should not be provided in the text of the article.
When taking or submitting an image for use on the Wiki, make sure that the image:
- Is taken with photo mode: Photo mode can be toggled by holding [`] (beside [1] on most keyboards). Zoom all the way in and, if necessary, unequip items to prevent them from getting in the way of your camera.
- Is clearly lit: To ensure that the image subject is clearly visible, images should be taken in daytime with natural lighting and without direct sun bloom (rays from the sun) obstructing the view of the subject.
- Is taken with Roblox graphics quality 10: The highest level of graphics conveys the most clear and detailed level of image.
- Is clear of player influence: To provide the clearest view of the subject, the image must not include:
- Player characters,
- Torch and lantern lighting,
- Player-built structures such as houses,
- Player-built utilities, storage containers, lighting, etc.,
- Lighting from player-built structures,
- Changes from a player that would affect the static nature of the image subject, such as extinguished candles, open doors, etc.
- Features the image subject in the center of the image with minimal angling.
- Do not crop the image and use one side of it, as this presents an uneven appearance.
- Contributors taking images are recommended to follow the photography 'rule of thirds'.
Providing statistics for the Wiki is a more difficult process than writing an article or uploading an image. Statistics for an article are expected to be:
- Accurate: A general expectation is that statistics included in a source of information are to be genuine and accurate. Statistics should be exact and precise down to a whole number, a tenth of a second, or a pixel-by-pixel specification.
- Recreateable: A reported statistic used on a Wiki article should, in fact, be the average of a number of trials done in order to obtain that number, especially for statistics that might vary greatly depending on multiple factors, such as damage from a ranged weapon.
- Reliable: Any given statistic should be assumed to be able to be taken at face value and, if implemented ingame in relevant conditions, should almost always come out to that statistic with a reasonable margin of error. If a number is given for firing a metal arrow from a long bow into a player's torso, that number should almost always be the number seen when repeating such an action.
Editing Disputes
All edits on the Wiki are believed to have been made in good faith, unless the conditions of the edit display otherwise.
If your edit is overwritten by another Wiki user, and you believe that the information you originally provided was correct or that the information provided by that user was wrong, you are allowed to rewrite or replace the information. However, if this information is subsequently overwritten or replaced, do not attepmt to re-add that information, as this is likely to escalate into an editing dispute ("edit war"). Instead, contact the user and attempt to determine the reason for their actions, and which source of information is correct; if necessary, contact a Wiki Administrator.
It is ultimately up to the Wiki Administrators to determine whether an edit is allowed to remain; this includes the ability for admins to revert a page to a previous version. If this occurs, do not attempt to re-add that information; this rollback was made for a reason, likely because the information added was unnecesary or incorrect.
If you feel that your edit was wrongly reverted, address such concerns to the respective Administrator on the Wiki Discord. Attempting to restore the original edit can be seen as going against moderation, and can result in a block if such behavior continues.