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Northwind Wiki
Northwind Wiki

Cantermagne Island is a moderate temperature island located north of the Beauval Isles, but still south of islands like the Isle of Rupert. This was one of the two islands that were released in Update 16, also known as "The Big One". Snowcapped mountains, a lake with a forked river, large man-made mines, small islands off the coasts, waterfalls, multiple AI bounties, and a town that has all the stores you could need can be found here. A large amount of SLC can be found here, but there's no personal location for natives to spawn at, though they can still spawn on the island. Beans, corn, wheat, potatoes, and onions can be grown here.


Cantermagne has the only sources of tin in the entire frontier, and also has large amounts of Iron and Copper. This island has a special Alloy Furnace that can be found in Smithtown at the northernmost part of the island, that allows the merging of ores in special bars with tin, coal and other special ores. This island also has a faction flag that factions can capture to spawn their own forts.





Cave Lead Gold Silver Sepium Iron Copper Coal Chlorite Orichalcum Tin
Outford Chasm 10 5 5 10 9
Kaluksii Cave 5 1 5 4 5 5
Daunting Abyss 2 5 5 10 5
Grosonee Cave 5 5 5
Warway Mineshaft 5 1 3 3 15
Abandoned Mineshaft 2




Note: Most of the locations stated in this list are not updated or added. You could help our wiki by adding more information in this section.

Colonist Settlements[]

Native Settlement[]


Economy (WIP)[]

Item Price Import/Export
Pine N/A Export
Wheat N/A Export
Onion N/A Export
Bean N/A Export
Black Rabbit Pelt N/A Export
Brown Rabbit Pelt N/A Export
Potato N/A Export
Black Rabbit Pelt N/A Export
Grey Rabbit Pelt N/A Export
Brown Beaver Pelt N/A Export
Brown Deer Pelt N/A Export
Brown Bear Pelt N/A Export
Black Deer Pelt 100.00 Pounds Export
Black Fox Pelt 100.00 Pounds Export
Brown Wolf Pelt 100.00 Pounds Export
Black Wolf Pelt 100.00 Pounds Export
Black Beaver pelt 100.00 Pounds Export

Official Lore[]

Discovered by French expeditions in 1689, Cantermagne Island, a penal colony, is a major bastion of the St. Lawrence Company. After that, the fort was destroyed and the French fort was put up. Originally thought to be very little value by the French. Company surveyors have discovered vast amounts of tin and coal, as well as rich soil for farming.

